#3 was Santa's presents. We opted to spend the night in the boro as the weather wasn't looking good (and it was a late night). The next morning the kids were delighted to see that Santa managed to find them. Mason was thrilled that Santa brought him socks.
#4 was Christmas dinner with the Freeman side of the family. It was a long day of hanging out with multiple relatives that we don't get the chance to see all that often. Everyone looked and is doing well. Sophie (Anna's baby) was adorable and Colby LOVED being able to play with a baby. We managed to get a decent picture of all the kids being super cute.
After these 3 parties, we left the boro with a VERY full trunk. =)
#5 was the kids getting presents from us. It was a much smaller party with fewer presents. Mason received a Star Wars book from Colby that was very impressive. Neither were real impressed with their new PJ's, hopefully they'll appreciate them more later. =) As the Christmas season winds down, I hope that everyone had a good Christmas. Thank-you all for the wonderful presents. We love you all! Also, I want to put in a quick Congrats to the Marsman's- you know why!! =)
As for my knee, the colors continue to get more impressive. Tomorrow is my first follow up appt. Hopefully he'll have good things to share. I miss being able to walk like a normal person!! I'm also going a little stir crazy. I am getting around a lot better and can move around well without crutches as long as I'm wearing my brace. I accidently pulled the glue out of one of my incision sites, thank goodness I had some steri-strips around! I wonder what a normal person does?? (I'm told that a normal person wouldn't have pulled the glue out.) At any rate, the incision looks better then the others so I'm thinking about trying in on the other two small ones. =) The color really started to show up in the back. Currently the front is fading and the back continues to look prettier. I am amused that the bruising seems to have started with yellow and ended with bluish purple tones. I always thought it was the other way. My dad asked that I post some updated color shots...