Wednesday, May 21, 2008

An Artist and His Creation

Mason has discovered a new medium for his love of art and robots. Blue painters tape. After a brief introduction to the restraining powers of blue tape when he was wrapped in a comforter Mason moved on to embrace the more artistic side of painters tape. Here the artist can be seen with "Number 100".

Monday, May 19, 2008

Baby... err... toddler stats

The 15m appt has passed and Colby continues to grow and develop well. She screamed and retreated to mom or dad's arms for a vast majority of the appointment. How exactly does one assess lung sounds and heart murmurs with a screaming child??? She claims that everything sounded good. Two shots later, Colby actually walked out happy to well, walk out. Stats: she is 75th percentile in weight and 98th percentile for height.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Coming together

So much to share! I guess that we'll start with bigger news. My dad got a job in Brighton again working for Gordon Food Service as a sales trainer. This means that my parents will be moving to town. I think that ultimately it's good, but it sounds like most people have mixed feelings about the whole thing. =) While waiting for their house to sell, my dad stays with Mason in his spare bed. So far, the first week has gone well. Mason loves having the company; I gave him the option of Grandpa or Colby and there was a VERY emphatic vote for Grandpa.

Also, we have almost completed our little dining room project. Things are looking real good and it's actually functional. We're just waiting to finish such things as under cabinet lighting and how to shove the printer into a hole that is too small. I'm sure that once we get it in there, there won't be any issue in the future to do things like add more paper or change the ink. (I'm not sure that I thought this all the way thru.) In other home improvement news, we've secured the the final two pieces for our wood floors. I don't know how many people know the story, but pretty much Home Depot sucks, but did recommend a really nice millworks place just down the street. So finally we have a stair nose and carpet reducer that should actually fit. I say this, but we haven't actually tried to put the pieces in yet. In order to put the pieces in we need to find a day off together and rent the magic staple gun with compressor. Since we haven't had a day off together in a month.... You get my drift.

Mason is well. He continues to increase his reading skills. However, he's still afraid to ride his bike. Last summer he fell and skinned his knee, I tried to explain that was part of bike riding, but it freaked him out enough that he doesn't want to ride it now. I wonder if this is partially a product of his size. Mason is big for his age and it's hard to find things that are age AND size appropiate. I was hoping to buy him a scooter to help him learn some balance stuff to ultimately help with the bike thing. The three wheel ones are made for kids older than 3 to a max weight of 50lbs. Yeah, Mason is closer to 60. I'm left with the two wheel ones (which also cost more). Argh! What I'm trying to say is I wonder if we've pushed him up a size too soon? Did we miss some important transition for biking?

Colby has taken what I feel are two huge growth spurts. Of course she had the second spurt shortly after I bought her new shoes. The shoes still fit, but only half as much room. Good thing I live so close to the Stride Rite outlet. She also really loves hoodies and her hat, with hat being her newest word. I think that we are pretty close to being at just one nap a day. Some days she'll do two, but most days it's just the AM one. As soon as Mason is done with school, we'll probably start working on making the AM nap a little later in the day to help her make it thru the day without Grumpmeister showing up. She likes hair accessories, but doesn't like to keep them in her hair. Her brother is still her favorite toy. She's still pointing and screaming for things. Though, she seems to understand soo much that is said to her! It's kind of scary that someone so young gets so much. And, we have eye teeth! She's still munching on her fingers a bit, but all four have poked thru. And, did you know that there's a 15m check-up?? I didn't until after hanging out Rhya (simply adorable gal, I love her word for dog). Her next appt is scheduled for the 17th and we'll have updates on vital stats then.

I want to send a big congrats out to Paul and Anna on the birth of their daughter Sophia!! We can't wait to see her, I mean all of you in a couple of weeks!